The boys enjoyed our 12 seat van and they all sat in the last row most of the trip because it was the only way they could all watch a movie on our dvd player at the same time!
I got to see my college roomate Jenny Mott and we ate at the creamery and went to Bean Museum!
This was so fun! We took the boys to the BYU football office and they got to see where their daddy used to practice! Daniel wanted to go out on the field and get an autograph and later found out the guys on the field were injured players!
Here we are at the real football practice! The boys got to see the new indoor practice gym and we got to watch them for a little while! So fun!
Chris and I eating taco salad!
Since when do you put the meat on top of your taco salads????? Hellooo?
What a nice picture of Elise and Chris! Sarah, that's the fun about taco salad! You can build it however you want! This is the US of A and you can even put the meat on top if you want to! Just like you can toast french bread. Do you remember that story?
Sometime I would like us to rent a 12 seater van and go and do something when I visit my children. I have thought of that often. I look forward to next time we can be together.
I can't stop laughing because I can hear in my head both Sara and Inger's voices...Hellooo? and this is the US of A...gosh you two are so great! I have the greatest in-law family! Thanks for all the yummy dinners Elise!
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